Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Beer At Last! Beer At Last! Thank God Almighty, Beer At Last!

After years of discussion, zoning changes, bylaw amendments, renovation and false starts, Verdun's first honest to gosh drinking establishment has opened its doors on Wellington St. Here's a report from those nice CBC radio people.

 Plus, a somewhat boring video tour.

Benelux, an authentic brewpub, has taken over the auspices of the former Bank of Montreal, near the corner of de l'Eglise, or Church St., as the old timers say.

A well-placed MontReal Estate reader, reports that for now the pub is only serving its house blonde but that should change as Benelux gets up to full speed.

A great event in Verdun history. The town, then city, then borough of Verdun has been officially dry for about 100 years.  It is a sign of changing times and changing demographics that  an upscale drinking hole is the first, and for now only, bar allowed to operate.

Benelux, a brewpub with an existing location on the lower Plateau, has officially opened in Verdun.