Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Lost and Alone in a Sea of Senior Agencies
Christy Cantrell
(800) 510-2020
Hello Christy,
It was wonderful speaking with you yesterday on behalf of Sara. You and your organization do wonderful work for folks like Sara.
As you know, Sara is 76 years old and living alone in a rented apartment in Ventura. She is frustrated, desperate, despondent and scared to death. She has high blood pressure, osteoporosis, cataracts in both her eyes (which she says her medical insurance refuses to cover) and she took a bad fall this last year. Oh, she is going deaf as well.
Until now, her rent has been $850/month, but new property owners have raised her rent to $1,150/month. Her Master Card reset her card limit to $200 without her immediate knowledge and she used this card to make up the difference for her rent. As a result, the new owners charged her a $50 bounced check fee on top of her increase in rent. She says she has less than 2 months before she will be evicted from her home.
I’m told rent control does not exist in Ventura County except for mobile homes in Thousand Oaks, so she has no recourse to the $300/month increase in her rent. That’s a 35% hike in her housing expenses and she doesn’t even have a mortgage!
One of my co-workers and I received a request for help from Sara. Sara knows we are both Realtors and she was hoping we knew of properties she could afford. In the spirit of the season, we have did a county-wide MLS search for anything renting for less than $1,000/month but had no luck. There may be something in the classified’s, but with her fixed income at just over $900/mo, it is unlikely we can improve her situation even if we do find something. She will still need food, clothing, utilities and medical care.
We have been making phone calls to local agencies and charities, but we haven’t had a great deal of success. Admittedly, we are not experienced at finding people like her the most appropriate help, but we have tried to do our best.
Christy, you indicated you have had prior contact with Sara, that she has made some unfortunate choices in health care providers, and in not applying for all the assistance she could be receiving. I’m sure that could be true, but from what Sara has told me, she has always tried to be self-sufficient until now. She’s been proud to take care of herself and slow to ask for public aid. Now that her housing expenses have jumped, she has little time left to change her situation, mostly because she has tried so hard to be independent.
The more I investigate what resources are available to her this time of the year, the more I understand her emotional distress. Many state and county agencies I contacted during this last week, have exhausted their annual budgets. Next year’s budgets are probably going to be much smaller for elderly assistance. Many of the larger agencies such as the Area Housing Authority of the County of Ventura are on holiday until 5 January 2009. Others, such as Section 8 Housing have a 2 to 4 year waiting period after application is made for Elderly Housing Assistance. These folks are without funding or on holiday.
This is evidently a very bad time of the year for finding financial assistance, or guidance. Yet this is typically a time of the year when rents are raised.
I’ve been told by numerous agencies that Sara is not unusual in her plight. Agencies have told me there are literally thousands of seniors asking for help. Evidently, more than a few elderly folks live out their final days on the street. This is euthanasia by default. I find it really hard to understand how this could be, in an area of Southern California that is home to so much individual wealth.
My co-worker and I have heard Sara say she might feel compelled to take her own life. She has said that she doesn’t want to do that, “because she wouldn’t get to see her son in heaven if she did.” But she told me today that the ocean is so near, she might just go there and end her troubles. She has also mentioned that she wishes she could just die in her sleep, that “she is angry at God because he won’t let her end her life that way.”
I’m not a mental health professional but I feel confident in saying that Sara’s stress is probably preventing her from making the right choices for herself.
I’m a member of the giant Baby Boomer generation, and I can foresee a time in the not too distant future, when people like myself will be approaching Sara’s age and mental competence. Obviously, we are going to need to be much better prepared than she. I think my generation’s retirement pardigm needs some major shifting. I’m sure we all need to contribute a bit more of our individual energy and earnings to that future time. We shouldn’t rely on the charity of others to survive, but perhaps we could develop a more efficient, effective and dignified response to elderly care than Sara has received.
In any case, you were extremely helpful today Christy. I appreciate your continued efforts at the “Area Agency on Aging” to help Sara. I also received some very useful and heartfelt guidance from Regina Fitzgerald at “Project Understanding.” My co-worker and I made calls to more than 20 departments and agencies today.
You and Regina and a very nice lady (who’s name I didn’t catch) at the after hours information desk of “Adult Protective Services” offered us very constructive advice and guidance. Your organizations don’t seem to draw much public attention or anything near the appreciation that I’m sure your efforts deserve, but you have thoroughly impressed us. You folks truly are leading the charge on one of our nation’s most unrecognized, immediate challenges.
I’m convinced from what I have seen, that we in America are not at our best when providing for the elderly. I served 23 years in the military and I love my country, but I’m embarrassed at how poorly we treat our seniors.
On behalf of Sara - Thank you Christy
Mark Thorngren
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
More trouble for home refinancing?
So, what does this really mean? Well, we are considering refinancing our home in Boston where the new October 2008 index is 159.17. The last time the Boston index was about the same level was February 2004. As it turns out, this was when we purchased our home. In September 2005, the highest index was reached in the Boston Metro area at 182.45. The current level is almost 13% off the highest point reached on the index. But, we might also expect the numbers will continue to decline for some additional time, representing further erosion of home values. How bad the news is depends on where you live and when you bought your home. Some cities like Miami, Phoenix and Las Vegas have suffered the largest declines on the index, whereas cities like Charlotte, Dallas, Cleveland and others have only felt modest changes.
For us, who knows? Our Boston home is not worth what it was in 2005, but the drop is not as bad as some cities. Like Jason's refi gone wrong, the discretion of appraisers will dictate whether refinancing makes sense. The problem for homeowners is that they may not be able to take advantage of lower rates. For more on this, Urban Deveopment Secretary Steve Preston recently spoke on the Future of the Housing Market.
Monday, December 29, 2008
21 Dumbest Business Moments of 2008
Here they are (from Fortune):
1) Detroit execs flying to D.C.: The chief executives of General Motors (GM,Fortune 500), Chrysler and Ford spark outrage when they fly their corporate jets to Washington D.C. to beg Congress for a multi-billion dollar bailout. More
2) Detroit execs driving to D.C.: Given a second chance after the private-jet fiasco to plead their case before Congress, the Detroit 3 take to the road. More
3) Henry Paulson's initial $700 bailout proposal: All of three pages, the Treasury Secretary seeks carte-blanche access to government funding with scant details on how or where the money will be spent. More
4) The final bailout: When Congress is done with it, the measure balloons to 451 pages and is loaded with pork barrel spending - including, unbelievably, a cut in taxes on toy arrows and an extended tax break on "wool products." More
5) The Mozilo e-mail: The now former Countrywide CEO mistakenly broadcasts his thoughts on a customer's plea for help with a home loan. More
6) The iPhone 'I am rich' app: Eight people download a $999.99 screen-saver for Apple's (AAPL, Fortune 500) iPhone. More
7) Paulson's 'bazooka': The Treasury Secretary tells Congress in July he thinks he
won't actually need to use the funds he's requesting to support Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. More
8) Tough talk from Fannie Mae: In May, CEO Daniel Mudd says his company will "feast" on weakened competition in the mortgage market. More
9) Scandal at the Department of Interior: The agency's Inspector General finds that staffers were taking gifts, having sex and engaging in illegal drug use with employees of some of the oil companies they oversee. More
10) GM's Lutz on global warming: The General Motors exec behind the Chevrolet Volt electric car hands environmentalists another twig to beat GM with when he reportedly calls global warming "a crock of sh-t." More
11) Hope
for Homeowners - er, not really: Congress passes bill to keep hundreds of thousands of troubled borrowers in their homes. A whopping 321 applications get filed. More
12) Ban the short-sellers: To head off a market onslaught,the SEC outlaws short-selling on 799 financial stocks. Remarkably, investors find other ways to punish the group and the sector sinks another 25 percent. More
13) McCain on economics: On the morning of Sept. 15, as Lehman Brothers declares bankruptcy, Republican presidential candidate John McCain declares "the fundamentals of this economy are strong." More
14) Obama's tough talk on Nafta: A top economic adviser privately assures Canadian officials in February that his candidate didn't really mean it when he threatened to
renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement. More
15) Microsoft bids for Yahoo: The $31-per-share offer represents a 61% premium over Yahoo's YHOO, Fortune 500) price at the time of the February overture. More
16)Yahoo turns down Microsoft's offer: If Microsoft's (MSFT, Fortune 500) offer for
Yahoo was wrong-headed, Yahoo's opposition to it was downright bone-headed. More
17) The Madoff miss: As news reports reveal that the Securities and Exchange Commission had probed Madoff and his New York City investment firm over the years, chief Christopher Cox cops to the embarrassing screw-up. More
18) Oil speculator scapegoats: Are speculators to blame for $37 oil too? More
19) Steve Jobs' obit: In August, Bloomberg News accidentally releases an obit for Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who - despite a well-publicized brush with pancreatic cancer - is still alive and kicking. More
20) Phil Gramm and the "nation of whiners": In early July, as the financial crisis spreads to Main Street, McCain campaign co-chair and former senator Phil Gramm appeals to voters and their economic anxieties by calling them a "nation of whiners" and dismisses a troubled economy as a "mental recession." More
21) Bill Miller comes up short: The fund manager's contrarian bets on Bear Stearns, AIG and Freddie Mac cost his investors plenty. More
Friday, December 19, 2008
More on University Endowments

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Renters vs Foreclosures
Fannie Mae Lets Renters Stay Despite Foreclosures
In a move that provides relief to thousands of renters who face eviction but draws the federal government even deeper into the housing market, the loan giant Fannie Mae said Sunday that it would sign new leases with renters living in foreclosed properties owned by the company.
It is the first nationwide effort to provide widespread relief to renters ensnared by the unfolding mortgage crisis, and it will effectively transform Fannie Mae — a government-controlled mortgage finance company — into a national landlord.
It may also increase pressure on private lenders to establish similar programs and on lawmakers to pass renter relief. “There are renters all around the country who have been holding up their end of the bargain and paying their rent faithfully, but the landlord got into trouble, and so the renter is now unfairly facing eviction,” said John Taylor, president of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, a consumer advocacy group. “It’s really good news that Fannie Mae is doing this. Now the question is whether private sector will follow suit.”
In recent months, skyrocketing foreclosure rates have exposed as many as 70,000 renters to evictions, even though many never missed rent payments, according to analysts who track housing data. In many cities and states, renters can be evicted after their home goes into foreclosure, regardless of how long their lease stretches into thefuture.
Many financial institutions — including JPMorgan Chase and Bank of America — have policies to evict renters after foreclosure, company representatives said. Fannie Mae’s initiative is expected to initially benefit as many as 4,000 renters living in foreclosed homes owned by the company. Fannie Mae has traditionally only bought and sold mortgages. But when a loan held by the company goes into foreclosure, Fannie Mae gains ownership of the underlying property until it is resold to new investors.
Fannie Mae owned 67,500 properties in foreclosure at the end of September, according to the company’s most recent filings. Most of those were owner-occupied. Under the new policy, former owners will most likely not be eligible to rent homes they lost in foreclosure.
Last month, both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the other government-controlled mortgage giant, temporarily suspended foreclosures and evictions until early January. Fannie Mae will now offer renters in foreclosed properties month-to-month leases until the property is resold.
A company representative said program details were still being worked out. “While it may be sometimes tougher for us to sell a property when people are in it, we understand that lots of people are in tough situations right now,” said Chuck Greener, a Fannie Mae spokesman. “If a renter wants to stay in their home, we’ll make that happen. And if they want to move out, in many cases we’ll help them pay for the move.”
A spokesman for Freddie Mac said that the company was looking at a number of options, including a program similar to Fannie Mae’s, but that no decisions had been made. The companies’ regulator, James B. Lockhart of the Federal Housing Finance Agency, issued a statement on Sunday saying that he expected both companies to update their policies shortly regarding renters living in foreclosed properties.
Both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were taken over by Mr. Lockhart’s agency this year and now operate in aconservatorship. Representatives of some major banks said it was unclear if Fannie Mae’s new policy would prompt their institutions to change theirs. “We’re not in the business of managing rental properties, and we’re not in the business of being a landlord,” said Thomas Kelly, a spokesman for JP Morgan Chase, which owns about two million loans. “Clearly the renter is caught in the middle in cases like this. When a property is in foreclosure, we follow the law.”
Some lawmakers and housing advocates say such policies are unjust. “If your loan is owned by Fannie Mae, you get to stay in your home. If your loan is owned by someone else, you’re on the street,” said Mr. Taylor of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. “These banks need to realize they’re in the property management business now, whether they like it or not.”
Some lawmakers have complained that evicting renters is unfair. In November, the Los Angeles City Council voted to draft a law that would bar financial institutions from evicting renters living in foreclosed homes.
Last year, the House passed a measure that would require the new owner of a foreclosed property to inform renters at least 90 days before an eviction. That bill failed to pass the Senate.
Law enforcement officers in some states have refused to evict residents of foreclosed properties. But Yadilka Torres, who rents a home in New Haven, Conn., for $775 a month, had no such protection. Fannie Mae took possession of her house in September, when it went into foreclosure.
Even though she was current on her rent, she received an eviction notice saying that she and her two young children would have to leave. She looked for another apartment but could not find anything affordable. Under Fannie Mae’s new policy, she will now be allowed to stay.
“I was feeling so nervous,” Ms. Torres said. “I’ve tried very hard to pay the rent and to pay all my bills, and it seemed unfair this was happening. I’m very grateful we won’t have to move.”
Why Are Credit Card Issuers Undermining the Economy?

More evidence that the financial sector is squandering the hard-won rescue funds from Congress: Not only are banks not lending to rejuvenate business, especially to the small-business backbone of the American economy, they're making existing loans rapaciously expensive for good borrowers. This can have no other effect than to drag down our struggling economy further. The story linked above observes that the banks' lame excuse for raising rates on small businesses and individuals is a vague reference to "economic reasons." What reasons? That the banks need more money from good risks because they've so messed up their investments in bad risks? I can't believe Congress hasn't jumped on this kind of thing more aggressively . . . yet.
The idea of nationalizing the banking sector is sounding better and better. The W$J reported yesterday that regulators have become more involved in internal strategy for struggling Citigroup. Perhaps this (and the FDIC's role in managing IndyMac's troubled mortgage portfolio) will be a model for the future. Even if you believe that "Socialism" is bad, some form of level-headed government oversight HAS to be better than the foolishness we're seeing from these banks.
Monday, December 15, 2008
AALS Workshop on Transactional Law

You may want to mark your calendars for next June's AALS Workshop on Transactional Law, June 10-12, in scenic Long Beach, California. If you go, keep your eyes open for flying buses and '67 Shelby GTs. (Both scenes are set in or entering Long Beach; and yes, the dialogue in the second one is in Espanol.) The workshop is part of the AALS Mid-Year Meeting. Program details are not yet available on the AALS web site. However, the November AALS News provides the following description, as well as a list of topic and speakers and registration information that you can access by clicking this link.
“Transactional law” refers to the various substantive legal rules that influence or constrain planning, negotiating, and document drafting in connection with business transactions, as well as the “law of the deal” (i.e., the negotiated contracts) produced by the parties to those transactions. Traditionally, the law school curriculum has emphasized litigation over transactional law. However, many modern lawyers serve corporate clients, and a significant percentage of lawyers engage in some form of transactional practice. Hence, law schools must place greater emphasis on training law students to be transactional lawyers, and should support law faculty engaged in scholarship focused on transactional law. To this end, in 1994, the AALS held a workshop on the transactional approach to law, which sparked experimentation and innovation in teaching and scholarship related to transactional law. Since that time, there have been significant developments in transactional law. This Workshop not only will take stock of those developments, but also will enable participants to gain some in-depth perspective regarding the relative benefits and drawbacks of those developments.
Law schools have attempted to respond to the demand for increased transactional training in a variety of ways, from integrating transactional law into traditional law school courses to developing stand alone “Deals” or “Business Planning” courses. A number of law schools have developed innovative programs in transactional law. This Workshop will enable participants to discuss specific methods of teaching transactional skills with an eye towards ferreting out best practices. Should professors interested in teaching transactional law focus on substantive law, “transactional skills,” (i.e., planning, negotiating, and drafting), economic or other theories of business transactions, or all of the above? Should transactional skills be taught in separate courses or integrated into substantive courses? If taught in separate courses, should such courses be part of the first-year curriculum, integrated throughout the three years, or focused on the upper-level curriculum? How do you modify or supplement the traditional case method to teach students useful transactional skills? The Workshop also will explore the challenges and benefits that arise for those who write or would like to write transactional scholarship. And as initial matter, the Workshop will address how best to define “transactional scholarship” in a way that accurately captures the potential breadth and depth of transactional law, and how transactional scholarship differs from traditional legal scholarship.
The Workshop also will explore best practices for writing scholarship in this area, including methodologies for researching the legal, financial and practical effects of various corporate transactions. The Workshop will feature concurrent works-in-progress sessions, enabling participants to exchange ideas and insights regarding new scholarship related to transactional law.
One important goal of the Workshop is to bring together faculty from different doctrinal areas of law, including faculty who teach in the clinical setting. Transactional law touches many substantive areas of law, and it is closely identified with bankruptcy, business associations, contracts, commercial law, intellectual property, labor and employment law, securities regulation, and taxation. The Workshop will provide a unique opportunity for faculty members to make connections between their primary fields and transactional law, and thus should appeal to a broad spectrum of scholars and teachers.
Dick Speidel Tribute at AALS Annual Meeting
Northwestern University School of Law and the University of San Diego School of Law are hosting a reception at the AALS Annual Meeting in San Diego on Friday, January 9, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the Warner Center Room, 4th floor, south tower of the San Diego Marriott Hotel & Marina, honoring the career of Richard Speidel, who passed away this past semester. Dick was a major figure in contracts, commercial law, and international arbitration.
A short program, featuring remarks by Professors Jim White (Michigan) and Bob Summers (Cornell), Dick's long-time collaborators, and Deans Kevin Cole (San Diego) and David Van Zandt (Northwestern), will begin at 7:00 p.m. The organizers will also videotape remarks from those who knew Dick or his work and will provide a copy to Dick's family.
Hurray for Fannie!

Here enters Fannie Mae the landlord. Fannie Mae will execute new leases with the paying tenants in foreclosed properties, who would otherwise face eviction. Perhaps I am missing something here, but in light of the current market, this is long overdue. Normally, the government having all the headaches of a landlord (maintenance, rent collection, etc.) of these properties would not be ideal. Let's hope this isn't a long term solution. With plenty of vacant properties around, however, evicting paying tenants would seem to increase the losses that Fannie Mae would face. In many cases, these properties will be worth more with paying tenants than sitting vacant.
For now, at least the government should collect rent. Now I just wonder what kind of landlord will Fannie Mae be? Now, a bit of humor during these hard times is a good thing. Will Farrell's short on the "Landlord" comes to mind. For those of you with sensitive ears, don't push play.
Madoff's Ponzi Scheme
The timing of Madoff's undoing could not be worse, but not surprising. Madoff's classic ponzi scheme depended on continued new investments. With the markets in turmoil, those new investors must have been impossible to bring into his venture. Today marks continued trouble for the stock market and manufacturing shows an even worsening economy. Even Apple has been downgraded to "neutral" by Goldman Sachs Group Inc. from a previous "buy" status. Add to all of this the lack of resolution concerning the prospects for the U.S. auto manufacturers.
Madoff's scheme is set to further erode investor confidence. Although we might call for increased investor due diligence, many thought that Madoff was a safe player. Many large banking institutions from around the world have announced billions in losses on the Madoff scheme already. What's to come? For starters, I suspect we will see more calls for Congressional hearings and even more calls for greater regulation of the investment community.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Kids are Entrepreneurs Too!

Having just written the examination for my first year Contracts I students, thoughts of contracts avoidable by minors comes to mind. My little boys would hardly part with their toys to share with each other (being just 1 and 3), let alone to sell to a stranger. And, does a child that becomes a little entrepreneur selling a whole host of toys on Ebay make them a merchant for purposes of UCC 2-314? Let's hope not.
Thankfully for my students, its too late for me to wrap this one into the examination.
Good news for less debt?

I like the idea of less debt in general. In this case, though, it is not a good sign for the economy.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Executive Compensation and the power of $1

But now AIG is under new complaints for "retention payments" made to key personnel. AIG has announced payments ranging from $92,500 to $4million to 168 AIG employees. While AIG has agreed to no 2008 bonus payments and no salary increases for 2009 for the top seven officers and no salary increases for the next fifty highest paid execs. Apparently, thirteen of those getting "retention" payments are executive officers of AIG who have agreed to defer payment to them until April 2009, but not to waive this additional compensation. Not surprisingly, some in Congress have complained.
Fraud Prevention for Internet Purchases

Rise In First Time Home Buyers
ORLANDO, November 08, 2008
The latest consumer survey of home buyers and sellers shows first-time buyers have risen in market share and plan to own their homes longer than buyers in the past. The study was released here today at the 2008 REALTORS® Conference & Expo.
The 2008 National Association of Realtors® Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers is the latest in a series of large national NAR surveys evaluating demographics, marketing, preferences and experiences of home buyers and sellers.
Lawrence Yun, NAR chief economist, said a higher share of first-time buyers makes perfect sense, and it’s a trend he expects to grow. “First-time buyers are much more flexible in entering the market because they aren’t concerned about selling an existing home,” he said. “Given low home prices, plentiful supply and affordable interest rates, it’s been an optimal time for entry-level buyers with a long-term view.
“Considering the temporary first-time buyer tax credit and improvements to the FHA loan program, we expect stronger entry-level activity as the flow of credit improves – that, in turn, should free more existing owners to make a trade in 2009.”
The number of first-time buyers rose to 41 percent from 39 percent of transactions in last year’s survey and 36 percent in 2006. “Although modest, this is a meaningful gain for the 12-month period ending at the close of June, and more recent independent data show a stronger uptrend in first-time buyers who are helping to reduce excess inventory,” Yun said.*
According to the NAR study, the median age of first-time buyers was 30, down from 31 in 2007, and the median income was $60,600. The typical first-time buyer purchased a home costing $165,000 and plans to stay in that home for 10 years, up from seven years in 2007.
The median downpayment by first-time buyers was 4 percent, up from 2 percent in 2007; the number purchasing with no money down fell from 45 percent in 2007 to 34 percent in the current survey.
“The study covers transactions through the middle of 2008, so we can assume the downpayment numbers have shifted recently because credit tightened and no-downpayment loans all but disappeared around the close of the survey,” Yun explained.
Of first-time buyers who made a downpayment, 69 percent used savings and 26 percent received a gift from a friend or relative, typically from their parents. Another 7 percent received a loan from a relative or friend, while 16 percent tapped into a 401(k) fund, stocks or bonds. Ninety-two percent chose a fixed-rate mortgage.
NAR 2008 President Richard F. Gaylord, a broker with RE/MAX Real Estate Specialists in Long Beach, Calif., said consumers rely heavily on the expertise of real estate agents to navigate the market. “This is the biggest transaction most people are ever involved in, so the qualities they’re looking for in a real estate agent include reputation, honesty, integrity and knowledge of the market,” he said. “Both buyers and sellers want agents to provide context, advice and know-how. The vast majority would use their agent again or recommend their agent to others.”
Only 1 percent of sellers chose an agent based on his or her commission. Forty-six percent report the real estate agent initiated a discussion of compensation, while 24 percent of sellers brought up the topic and the agent was willing to negotiate the commission or fee. Thirteen percent of sellers did not know commissions and fees are negotiable.
Nearly nine out of 10 home buyers and sellers would definitely or probably use the same agent again or recommend him or her to others, consistent with the 2007 findings. The survey shows that 81 percent of home buyers and 84 percent sellers used a real estate professional, comparable to 2007.
Thirty-eight percent of sellers found their agent as a result of a referral, while 26 percent used the agent in a previous home purchase. Similarly, 43 percent of buyers relied on referrals to find an agent, while 18 percent of repeat buyers used an agent from a previous transaction.
The percentage of buyers who purchased a home in foreclosure jumped to 6 percent of transactions in the 2008 survey from 1 percent in 2007. Another 38 percent of buyers considered purchasing of a home in foreclosure but did not, primarily because they could not find the right home.
Commuting costs factored greatly in neighborhood selection, with 41 percent of buyers saying they were very important and another 39 percent saying transportation costs were somewhat important. “Since fuel costs began rising in the latter part of the survey period, it’s reasonable to assume they’ve become even more important to home buyers since,” Yun said. “We’ve heard from our members that commuting costs are playing a bigger role in buyers’ decisions.”
Environmentally friendly features also were important, cited by 90 percent of buyers. Heating and cooling costs were of primary importance, followed by energy efficient appliances and energy efficient lighting.
Buyers searched a median of 10 weeks and viewed 10 homes. Of buyers who used an agent, 61 percent chose a buyer’s representative. Nearly nine out of 10 consider their home a good investment, and almost half see it as a better investment than stocks. Fifteen percent of buyers own two or more homes.
The typical repeat buyer was 47 years old, earned $88,200, purchased a home costing $236,000 and plans to stay in that home for 10 years. Repeat buyers made a median downpayment of 15 percent, but 10 percent paid cash for their property.
The median age of home sellers was 47; income was $91,000. Three-quarters were married couples, had been in their home for six years and moved a median distance of 19 miles. Their home was on the market for eight weeks; 5 percent of sellers who also purchased a home reported selling their home in a short sale.
Forty-two percent of sellers offered incentives to attract buyers, such as assistance with closing costs or home warranty policies. The typical home sold for 96 percent of the listing price, and 86 percent of sellers were satisfied with the selling process. Fifty-two percent of sellers were trading up to a larger home, while 22 percent were downsizing.
The study found that 81 percent of sellers used full-service brokerage, in which real estate agents provide a range of services that include managing most of the process of selling a home from listing to closing. Nine percent chose limited services, which may include discount brokerage, and 9 percent used minimal service, such as simply listing a property on a multiple listing service. All of these types of services are provided by Realtors® as well as non-member agents and brokers. The results are identical to findings in 2007 and comparable to findings in 2006.
Primarily, sellers want agents to price their home competitively, market the property, find a buyer and sell within a specific timeframe.
Home buyers are consistent in their expectations of real estate agents. Buyers thought the most important agent services are helping find the right house, and negotiating sales terms and price. Because agents often are chosen based on a referral, or were used in a previous transaction, two-thirds of buyers contacted only one real estate agent in the search process.
Buyers used a variety of resources in searching for a home: 87 percent used the Internet, 85 percent used a real estate agent, 62 percent yard signs, 48 percent attended open houses and 47 percent looked at print or newspaper ads. Fewer buyers rely on a home book or magazine, home builders, television, billboards and relocation companies. Buyers most commonly start their search process online and then contact a real estate agent.
When asked where they first learned about the home purchased, 34 percent of buyers said a real estate agent; 32 percent the Internet; 15 percent from yard signs; 7 percent from a friend, neighbor or relative; 7 percent home builders; 3 percent a print or newspaper ad; 2 percent directly from the seller; and 1 percent a home book or magazine.
Eighty-seven percent of home buyers who used the Internet to search for a home purchased through a real estate agent, in contrast with 72 percent of non-Internet users who were more likely to purchase directly from a builder or from an owner they already knew in a private transaction.
Local metropolitan multiple listing service Web sites were the most popular Internet resource, used by 60 percent of buyers, followed by, 48 percent; real estate company sites, 46 percent; real estate agent Web sites, 43 percent; for-sale-by-owner sites, 19 percent; and local newspaper sites, 11 percent; other categories were smaller.
Sixty-one percent of buyers are married couples, 20 percent are single women, 10 percent single men, 7 percent unmarried couples and 2 percent other. Twenty-six percent are non-white, 9 percent were born outside of the United States, and 4 percent primarily speak a language other than English.
Seventy-eight percent of all respondents purchased a detached single-family home, 9 percent a condo, 8 percent a townhouse or rowhouse, and 5 percent some other kind of housing.
Fifty-five percent of all homes purchased were in a suburb or subdivision, 17 percent were in an urban area, 16 percent in a small town, 10 percent in a rural area and 2 percent in a resort or recreation area. The median distance from the previous residence was 12 miles.
The level of for-sale-by-owner transactions was 13 percent, up slightly from a record-low market share of 12 percent in both 2007 and 2006. The level of homes sold without professional representation has trended lower since reaching a cyclical peak of 18 percent in 1997.
A large number of these properties were not placed on the open market – 45 percent were “closely held” between parties who knew each other in advance, such as family or acquaintances.
Factoring out properties that were not placed on the open market, the actual number of homes sold without professional assistance is 7 percent – the rest are unrepresented sellers in private transactions. This matches the results in the 2007 study and marks a downtrend from 10 percent sold on the open market in 2004.
The median home price for sellers who used an agent was $211,000 vs. $153,000 for a home sold directly by an owner, but there were important differences between the two. Unassisted sellers were more likely to be in a rural area or small town where sellers are more likely to know potential buyers. In addition, the home was more likely to be a mobile or manufactured home, and the owner’s income was lower than that of sellers using agents.
The most difficult tasks reported by unrepresented sellers are selling within the planned length of time, getting the right price, preparing the home for sale, and understanding and performing paperwork.
NAR mailed an eight-page questionnaire in August 2008 to a national sample of 133,000 home buyers and sellers who purchased their homes between July 2007 and June 2008, according to county records. It generated 10,053 usable responses; the adjusted response rate was 7.9 percent. All information is characteristic of the 12-month period ending in June 2008 with the exception of income data, which are for 2007. Because of rounding and omissions for space, percentage distributions for some findings may not add up to 100 percent.
# # #
*A separate report by HouseHunt, Inc., based on a survey of 2,000 real estate agents, shows 50 percent of homes purchased in the third quarter of 2008 were by first-time buyers.
© Copyright NATIONAL ASSOCIATION of REALTORS® Headquarters: 430 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611
DC Office: 500 New Jersey Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20001-2020 I 1-800-874-6500
It May Be Time to Think About Buying a House
Published: December 5, 2008
Five or 10 years from now, when the financial crisis has ended and housing prices are up smartly once more, we will look in the rearview mirror and realize that we missed a golden age for first-time home buyers.
Then, everyone who sat on their down payment savings accounts for a few years too long will kick themselves for not taking advantage of what may turn out to be the buying opportunity of a lifetime for those who can qualify for a mortgage.
Unfortunately, we do not know when this golden age will begin, because we will be able to identify a bottom to the housing market only with the benefit of hindsight. But as it does with the stock market, the moment will probably arrive when everyone is feeling the most pessimistic.
That moment is certainly getting closer. Housing prices have fallen drastically from their peak levels in many areas of the country. Rates on 30-year fixed-rate mortgages are already close to 5.5 percent, and this week there were suggestions that the federal government might try to drive them down to 4.5 percent, a truly incredible figure to be able to lock in for three decades.
Meanwhile, first-time home buyers have the same advantage they have always had, which is that they do not have to sell their old place before buying a new one. That is an added advantage in areas where many available houses simply are not moving, because the people trying to sell them will not be bidding against you.
If you’re hoping for a recovery in the housing market, you ought to be cheering on the first-time home buyers. When they purchase homes, their sellers are free to move on or move up, stimulating further sales.
But if you are a potential first-time buyer yourself, or lending or giving the down payment to one, you are probably as frightened as you are tempted by all the “For Sale” signs that have become “On Sale” signs. So let’s quickly review some of the still-grim pricing data in certain areas — and consider the reasoning offered up by first-time buyers who have forged ahead anyhow.
As is always the case with real estate, much depends on location. One study, “The Changing Prospects for Building Home Equity,” tries to predict where today’s first-time buyers in the 100 biggest metropolitan areas may actually have less home equity by 2012 as a result of continued price declines. The verdict was that buyers in 33 of the markets could see a decline by 2012, including potential six-figure drops on an average home in the New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Seattle metropolitan areas.
This is obviously scary. (I’ve linked to the study, a joint effort of the Center for Economic and Policy Research and the National Low Income Housing Coalition, from the version of this article at It’s worth noting, however, that these predictions came before the government made its most recent move to reduce borrowing costs.
Also, the price projections in the study are based, in part, on the fact that the ratio of purchase prices to annual rents is still higher in many areas than the historical average, which is roughly 15 times rents. While past figures may well have some predictive value, I have never been convinced that first-time buyers compare a home that they could own and one that they would rent in purely or even primarily economic terms.
When Jaime and Michael Proman moved this fall to Minneapolis, his hometown, from New York City, they craved a different sort of life after two years together in a 450-square-foot studio apartment. “We didn’t want a sterile apartment feel,” said Mr. Proman, who is 28 (his wife is 26). “We wanted something that was permanent and very much a reflection of us.”
The fact is, in many parts of the country there are few if any attractive rentals for people looking to put down roots and enjoy the sort of amenities they may spot on cable television home improvement shows. Comparing a rental with a place that you may own seems almost pointless in these situations, especially for those who are now grown up enough to want to make their own decisions about décor without consulting the landlord.
Still, for anyone feeling the urge to buy, a number of practical considerations have changed in the last year or two. The basics are back, like spending no more than 28 percent of your pretax income on mortgage payments, taxes and insurance. Even if a lender does not hold you to this when you go in for preapproval, you should hold yourself to it.
You will also want to start now on any project to improve your credit score because it may take several months to get it above the 720 level that qualifies you for many of the best mortgage rates.
John Ulzheimer, president of consumer education for, a consumer credit information and application site, suggests starting to pay down and put away credit cards months before you apply for a loan. That is because the credit scoring system could penalize you if you use a lot of credit each month, even if you always pay in full. Also, check your three credit reports (it’s free) at and dispute errors.
While no one can easily predict the likelihood of losing a job, Friday’s startling unemployment figures suggest the need for caution if you think you might be vulnerable. A. C. Panella, who teaches communications at Pasadena City College in California, waited until she had a tenure-track job before buying a home in the Highland Park section of Los Angeles with her partner, Amy Goldman, a lawyer for a nonprofit organization. “We could afford the mortgage payment on one salary, were something to come up,” Ms. Panella, 31, said. “It’s really about being able to stay within our means.”
For many first-time home buyers, that philosophy stretches to the down payment, too. Ms. Panella and her partner put down 20 percent when they bought their home in September, as did the Promans when they bought their home in the Lowry Hill neighborhood of Minneapolis.
Alison Nowak, 29, put just 3 percent down on a Federal Housing Administration-backed loan last month when she and her partner, Lacey Mamak, bought a $149,900, 800-square-foot home several miles south of where the Promans live. “Anything that is an opportunity also has a bit of risk,” she said. Her house was in foreclosure before a plumber bought it and fixed it up. “One way we mitigated it was that we bought a really tiny house in a very good neighborhood.”
One other strategy might be to buy new instead of used. Ian Shepherdson, chief United States economist for the research firm High Frequency Economics, says he believes that a steep drop-off in inventory of new homes is coming soon, thanks to a rapid decrease in home builder activity.
Since prices generally soften in the winter, it may make sense to start looking seriously once the mercury bottoms out. “If you look at new developments next spring, you may not have the choice you thought you would have or be in the bargaining position you thought you would be,” Mr. Shepherdson said. Also, if you wait after June 30, you will miss out on a $7,500 federal tax credit for income-eligible first-time home buyers that works like an interest-free loan.
Finally, allow yourself to consider how it would feel if you bought and then prices dropped another 10 or 15 percent. It might not bother you if you plan to stick around. Plenty of people seem to be making a longer commitment to their homes. According to a survey that the National Association of Realtors released last month, typical first-time buyers plan to stay in their home 10 years, up from 7 last year.
Perhaps people are more aware that they will not be able to build equity as rapidly as others did in the real estate boom. Or they simply have more confidence in hard, hometown assets now than in other markets.
“We wouldn’t let another decline bother us,” said Michael Proman. “You can never time a bottom. This is a long-term investment for us, and it truly is the best investment we have in our portfolio right now.”
Ready to buy, or waiting it out? Post a comment at or write to
More Articles in Business » A version of this article appeared in print on December 6, 2008, on page B1 of the New York edition.
GM, Chrysler & Tribune Creditors Go to "The Barbershop"

As predicted, at least two of the Big Three auto makers are headed into an out-of-court workout orchestrated and likely financed by the U.S. government. My new favorite quote is from Nancy Pelosi: "We call this the barbershop. Everybody's getting a haircut here . . . ." She included management in the list of parties who will be called on to make concessions--including dumping those fancy corporate jets (talk about bad PR!)--in exchange for government financing of the workout (let's just call it DIP financing, shall we). The W$J story aptly compares the workout procedure to bankruptcy, which is, of course, exactly what's going on here, though the informal process will lack both the psychological stigma of "bankruptcy" and the muscle that the Bankruptcy Code would provide in dealing with leases and intransigent holdout creditors. The primary purpose of Chapter 11, in my view, is to allow a majority-approved workout plan to be forced--"crammed down," as we say--on dissidents. I guess the gravitas of the U.S. government will be the 800-pound gorilla in this deal.
I'm getting closer to figuring out who will be sitting in the barber's chair in the Tribune Company bankruptcy, too, especially in terms of employee retirement and other claims. It seems that we have good news and bad news.
The good news is that, while 100% of the company's stock is held by an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP), very little time has passed since that plan took over the compay's equity, so employees apparently have made no concessions or contributions to the plan, which will now likely be wiped out in the bankruptcy. While the employees are technically the beneficiaries of the stock held by the ESOP, the trust obtained the stock through a $250 million loan from the company, so employee rights in the stock would have vested only over time as the the company reduced the ESOP trust's debt by making annual contributions to the ESOP. Since this hasn't happened yet, the employees will really lose next to nothing in terms of retirement assets--thank goodness. Most of this is explained in a wonderful note by Corey Rosen, executive director of the National Center for Employee Ownership. Ironically, from the employee retirement assets perspective, it's probably actually a rather good thing that the company sought bankruptcy earlier rather than later (before it put lots of employee retirement contributions into the ESOP black hole). The compay's "pension plan," which closed last year, seems to be safely outside the bankruptcy case in a fully-funded $1.8 billion trust (beneficiaries with "frozen" pension rights should be safe). The same is true of the 401(k) plan set up by the company, but to which the company discontinued making employer contributions when the ESOP was set up.
The bad news seems to be that the the primary part of the three-part Tribune employees' future retirement plan seems to be up in the air now. The first, a "cash balance," low-risk money fund that will hold planned 3% annual cash contributions (the first to be made in 2009), will apparently be unaffected (though one wonders what future contributions will be). As for the second part of the plan, employees can continue to contribute themselves to a 401(k) account (though employer contributions were suspended last year). The cornerstone of the company's post-2008 retirement plan, however--the ESOP--will in all likelihood be gutted in the bankruptcy. In addition, as described in this fantastic New York Times summary of the situation, the "little guys" with the most to lose are those who recently accepted buy-outs and severance deals. This includes folks like a reporter mentioned in the NYT story who just sent in his paperwork to accept a buy-out equal to 49 weeks' pay (severance for more than 24 years of work)--a deal that is now in jeopardy as these types of people join the ranks of unsecured creditors. Luckily for these folks, up to $10,950 per person of such claims, earned within 180 days of yesterday (the filing date), will be § 507(a)(4) "priority" unsecured claims, which get to budge in line ahead of the general unsecured creditors (probably including the banks and bondholders).
It's a sad, rainy day in Chicago today. One of the most beloved institutions in town is in bankruptcy, and our governer was arrested by the FBI this morning, charged with corruption (more "pay-to-play" allegations leveled at yet another Illinois governer). I, for one, am looking forward to a brighter 2009!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Tribune Company List of Creditors--Where's Zell?
Tribune Bankruptcy and Absolute Priority

The Tribune Company, owner of the flagship Chicago Tribune, as well as the L.A. Times, Baltimore Sun, WGN News, and other assets (including the Chicago Cubs) has finally entered Chapter 11 bankruptcy--a destination toward which it has been slouching for months. It thus seems to have become the latest victim of private equity's debt-fueled LBO rampage, joining Mervyn's and perhaps Bally. Tribune Company Chairman and CEO (and architect of the recent ill-fated going-private deal) real estate tycoon Sam Zell said that he expects creditors to take a significant haircut: "[s]ome elements (of the credit structure) will have no recovery."
As mad as the creditors are likely to be about this, the shareholders--especially the employees--are likely to be hopping mad when the facts emerge about how this company will restructure. Tribune Company is "America’s largest employee-owned media company," and many employees were unhappy about Zell's takeover/privatization of the company, as well as his capitalism-heavy-journalism-lite management refocus, and now they'll have reason to be really upset. While Chapter 11 may well not mean the demise of the company, it will almost surely mean the complete or near complete destruction of whatever value the employee's ownership stake (equity) might have had before the filing. The reorganization will almost certainly result in a debt-for-equity exchange, where current equity gets squeezed out (at least for the most part) and big debtholders take over that equity in exchange for discharge of debt. The absolute priority rule will almost certainly prevent equity (shareholders) from retaining any significant stake if some significant group of creditors will have "no recovery." Unless every creditor class can be convinced to vote in favor of a plan that leaves some value for equity, the company will be unable to confirm a Chapter 11 plan. Indeed, one wonders what Zell plans to do about his own equity stake.
Maybe there are more surprises waiting in the wings here, but this is yet another sad day in a long string of sad days for the Tribune Company's employees, who seem to have been largely involuntary passengers on Zell's pirate ship to Chapter 11.
Update: A little surfing answered my question about Zell's personal stake and added an interesting twist to the case. Zell's $315 million (!) investment in the going-private deal was structured as a $225 million subordinated 11-year note and a $90 million warrant to purchase up to 40% of the company's shares within 15 years from the Employee Stock Ownership Plan that now owns 100% of the Tribune Company's equity. Thus, Zell's $90 million warrant is likely worthless (or nearly so) after the bankruptcy filing (for the reasons discussed above), but his $225 million note is debt, which will likely be promised some distribution in a Chapter 11 plan. I intend to follow this (for me, local) case in the days ahead, focusing on the word "subordinated." While Zell's note now is likely subordinated only to the other company debt (both public bonds and bank loans), it might well ultimately be equitably subordinated under Bankruptcy Code § 510(c)(1) to the ESOP's share interest, which Zell's going-private transaction has now all but completely destroyed. Stay tuned!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Refi No Good--A Lesson in "LTValuation"

Following up on my refi post, I share a lesson I learned today (when my own refi deal tanked) that suggests one reason why efforts to stabilize the housing market are foundering.
I still recall the point in my first home purchase deal when I looked at the contract and asked my realtor what it meant that a condition of the deal was my ability to obtain financing at [blank], and she had filled in the blank with "80% LTV." She couldn't explain it to me--she just always put that in the blank (!). I now know all too well what that means, and it killed my refi attempt. LTV stands for "loan to value," and it represents the ratio of the loan amount to the value of the property; e.g., an $80,000 loan secured by a mortgage on a $100,000 home is "80% LTV," while a $90,000 loan on that same home is 90% LTV, the wrong direction if you're the mortgage banker considering making the loan. The bank (mortgagee) wants an "equity cushion" (value in excess of the mortgage-secured loan) to protect the bank in the event that the loan defaults and the bank decides to enforce the mortgage ("foreclosure"). Indeed, borrowers who need to borrow more than 80% of the home's value (that is, can't afford a 20% down-payment) often have to pay "private mortgage insurance" (or "PMI") to protect the bank in case a foreclosure sale's proceeds don't cover the defaulted "more than 80% LTV" outstanding loan.
As in many other aspects of commercial law and practice, valuation thus becomes the key to the deal. Entire courses (probably series of courses) in business departments are dedicated to the variety of methods of valuing things, including real (immovable) property. The appraiser who tried to value my home for the refi (to establish at least 80% LTV) decided that the identical townhome behind mine that sold a few months ago for a depressed price represented an inflated comparable value for my home--since it sat on the market for a few months, he decided that the purchase price should be further depressed by more than 10% to represent its true "value." Good grief! I can imagine discounting a recent sale price if there were evidence that the local market had softened in the intervening period (my appraisal didn't suggest anything like this). But otherwise, if someone just paid $X for an identical home a few months ago, I would think $X would be a pretty good comparable for the value of my home, regardless of how long that other home sat on the market. Indeed, it's perfectly obvious that the other place sat on the market so long because the original asking price (which was nearly $30,000 over $X!) was too high, and when the right price was asked, it sold. That's how the market works. Now two townhomes in my association have sold for exactly $X, but the appraiser thinks my place is worth $X minus 10% because it took so long to sell one of the other places? Please!
JPMorganChase (and other banks whose appraisers operate in this foolish way) are losing good business and failing to embrace the economic stimulus that federal authorties are bending over backwards to offer. Banks and especially mortgage servicers seem to be stubbornly struggling against the stream of federal efforts to solve the housing/financial/economic crisis.
I'm now convinced that throwing more money at banks is not the solution--they have proven that they lack the resolve, willpower, or whatever to deal responsibly with this crisis. I hereby nominate Sheila Bair (FDIC Chairperson) as the new tsar of a nationalized housing lending industry. O.K., I'm kidding . . . but only a little.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Bally's Yo-Yo Bankruptcy Diet

I just can't resist the pun opportunities presented by Bally's second bankruptcy filing in 14 months. Apparently, Bally has not internalized its own core message to its customers: you have to burn more calories than you take in (in other words, burn off more debt than you take on). With $1.4 billion in assets and only $479.5 million in net revenue for the 9 months ended September 30, 2008, Bally's $1.5 billion in debt leaves its balance sheet looking almost as flabby as it did when the company went on its first crash bankruptcy diet in 2007. Bally's personal trainer--Bankruptcy Judge Burton Lifland in the Southern District of New York--now has the second case, even before he had finished up the final details on the last one! Rather than focusing on toning up its balance sheet, Bally appears ready to throw in the towel and pursue a negotiated sale. One hopes the new owners will impose a stricter nutrition/workout regime on Bally, unlike the bloated hedge-fund firm that now owns it (these hedge funds are becoming infamous for their force-feeding of other formerly fit companies like Mervyn's).
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Time to Refinance?

Exams have me sidelined recently, but I wanted to be sure to point out one very nice effect of the Fed's most recent efforts at loosening up lending markets. Mortgage rates have fallen precipitously in the past two weeks. My lender, JPMorgan Chase, is offering 5.25% today, though this lowest rate requires payment of a point. Even for no points, many qualified borrowers can likely reduce their interest rates and monthly payments substantially in this new mortgage climate. Caveat: "qualified borrower" is a much more restrictive term today than in recent years. High credit ratings, substantial equity (at least 80% LTV), and documentable income are back in vogue. Indeed, the W$J reported this morning that self-employed professionals, even those with substantial equity, liquid assets, and reported incomes are having a hard time obtaining loans due to difficulty in documenting their pre-income-tax-deduction incomes.
If you qualify, look into refinancing. At current rates, it may well be worth it.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Governor Randall S. Kroszner testimony
SNL Detroit Skit
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Bankruptcy Bill

Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Call for papers: Searle Center
The Searle Center on Law, Regulation, and Economic Growth is issuing a call for original research papers to be resented at the Second Annual Research Symposium on The Economics and Law of the Entrepreneur at Northwestern University School of Law. The Symposium will run from approximately 12:00 P.M. on Thursday, June 11th to 3:00 PM on Friday, June 12th, 2009.
The goal of this Research Symposium is to provide a forum where economists and legal scholars can gather together with Northwestern's own distinguished faculty to present and discuss high quality research relevant to the economicsand law of the entrepreneur.
SUBMISSIONS/PARTICIPATION: Authors should submit their papers at:
Potential attendees should indicate their interest in receiving an invitation at:
Authors will receive an honorarium of $1,500 to cover reasonable transportation expenses. Discussants will receive an honorarium of $500 to cover reasonable transportation expenses. Government employees and non-US residents may be reimbursed for travel expenses up to the honorarium amount. Authors and discussants are expected to attend and participate in the full duration of the symposium.
The Searle Center will make hotel reservations and pay for rooms for authors and discussants for the night of Thursday, June 11th. The conference is organized by Professor Daniel F. Spulber, Research Director, Searle Center Research Project on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Growth, and Henry N. Butler, Executive Director, Searle Center on Law, Regulation, and Economic Growth, Northwestern University School of Law.
Conference Papers Submission Deadline: To ensure that attachments get through, papers for the conference should be submitted to both of the following email addresses:
by March 15, 2009
Notification Deadline: Authors will be notified of decisions by April 1, 2009 Honoraria will be paid to conference presenters upon submission of a revised paper that the author is willing to put on the Searle Center website.
Potential attendees, potential discussants, or panel members should send a message indicating their interest to:
Email: by March 15, 2009. The conference is organized in cooperation with the Journal of Economics & Management Strategy (JEMS). JEMS encourages submissions on the economics of the entrepreneur. Submissions are independent of the conference. Authors are free to publish their work in other venues (with appropriate acknowledgement of the Searle Center). To submit to the Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, send the paper in pdf form to: CONTACT: Alice Schaller Email:
Papers prepared for the Research Symposium on "The Economics and Law of the Entrepreneur" will be permanently hosted on the Searle Center website:
The Searle Center on Law, Regulation, and Economic Growth at Northwestern University School of Law was established in 2006 to research how government regulation and interpretation of laws and regulations by the courts affect business and economic growth. Information on the Searle Center's activities may be found at:
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
A New Federal Reserve Program: This Time for Consumers

As a law professor, I can say that I want students to be able to get their student loans without too much hassle. Although I am not a big fan of excessive consumer debt, there is a need for credit to be available. The Fed's TALF program in its announced form is a continuation of the ABSs that have helped us to arrive at the financial crisis that we are in now. Some time ago, Alan Greenspan mentioned the problems arising from lenders incorrectly pricing ABS when they retain no stake in the ABS after sale. Basically, the risk models are prone to error in these cases. Though we don't have the details of the TALF program, I don't see any indication that the Fed is tackling this problem. This means that the risk problems inherent in our current financial crisis from securitization may remain with the TALF program as well.
So, for the next few months while credit remains tight, perhaps Americans will pay down those credit cards. Adding new credit come February when the Fed's TALF takes hold? Perhaps, but let's think carefully about it.